Unlocking the Paralysis: Decoding the Challenge of Getting Started

2 min readDec 19, 2023

Starting a new project, learning a skill, or pursuing a passion can lead to growth and accomplishment. However, for many people, getting started can be difficult. This can leave their aspirations unfulfilled. What causes this reluctance to begin? Let’s explore the various factors contributing to the first step's challenge.

1. The Perfectionist’s Dilemma:

Fear of imperfection is one of the biggest obstacles that prevent people from getting started. In today’s world, there is a lot of emphasis on achieving flawless execution and immediate success. This high expectation can be overwhelming, particularly when individuals feel pressured to be perfect from the start. The fear of making mistakes or not meeting unrealistic standards can become a significant hurdle, making the blank canvas of new beginnings seem like a daunting landscape.

2. The Comfort Zone Comfort:

As human beings, we tend to feel comfortable with the things that are familiar to us. This comfort zone can be a mental and emotional safety net that protects us from the uncertainties of change. However, stepping out of this zone requires effort, courage, and a willingness to face the unknown. Despite its limitations, many people choose to stick with familiar…




Software engineer who passionate about learning technology. I strongly believe that Technologies are not just to learn, Technologies are to make our life easier