Money is to spend and not just to save

Why Saving Isn’t Everything: The Importance of Spending Money on Life’s Pleasures

2 min readApr 6, 2023
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Money is often viewed as a means to an end — a way to fulfill our needs and wants. However, the way we view money and our approach toward it can have a significant impact on our overall financial health. One common misconception is that money is meant to be saved and hoarded, rather than spent. While it’s certainly important to save money for emergencies and future investments, money is primarily meant to be spent.

The concept of saving money has been instilled in us since childhood, with parents and teachers telling us to save for a rainy day. And while this advice is not incorrect, it has led to the belief that we should save every penny we earn, without any thought to the present. But the truth is, there’s no point in having money if we don’t enjoy it.

Spending money allows us to enjoy life’s little pleasures and experiences. It’s the means by which we can travel to new places, buy nice things for ourselves and our loved ones, and enjoy life’s luxuries. By spending our money wisely, we can improve our quality of life and create happy memories that will last a lifetime.

Of course, it’s important to be responsible for our money and not overspend. It’s important to…




Software engineer who passionate about learning technology. I strongly believe that Technologies are not just to learn, Technologies are to make our life easier